# Ifremer Between 2016 and 2017 I worked at Ifremer Brest, on marine observatory stations. During this period I improved the developer environment, installing a lot of automation tools for buildin, checking and deploying/flashing the software on a testing environment. I also worked on understanding / reverse engineering an acoustic MODEM protocol. - Bare metal C development + ARM EFM32 board - Gitlab / CI / Chat server setup + Gitlab instance + Mattermost instance, linked to Gitlab + GitlabCI (`gitlab-ci-runner`) to run automated tests + Automated updates of both the server OS (CoreOS) and services (mostly Docker containers) + Automated CoreOS setup changes through GitlabCI
# Thales Airborne Systems
Between 2014 and 2015, I worked in sandwich courses at Thales Airbourne Systems. My mission was to __evaluate Yocto__ for building embedded Linux distributions, tuned to __match__ as much as possible the __system capabilities__. Yocto is a __recent__ project based on OpenEmbedded Bitbake, similar to Buildroot. It __automates__ the task of building, installing and configuring softwares to __assemble__ a __complete Linux distribution__. Yocto comes also with a lot of tools, that allows the user to execute unit tests on an emulated system, serve packages and provide updates, check that licenses are respected, ... ### Used skills - Yocto toolchain - Linux ecosystem - Linux Kernel - Build automation ### More - [Documentation](https://git.thibautcharles.net/tcharl/yocto-public) (may be incomplete) - [School presentation slides (fr)](http://thibautcharles.net/slides/yocto-isen-slides)
# Thales Underwater Systems
Between 2012 and 2013, I worked in sandwich courses at Thales Underwater Systems, on the __portage__ of the graphic part of the __Android SDK__ on RHEL5, and on the creation of a __custom window manager__ based on XLib. ### Used skills - Java, C/C++ dev. - Building Android SDK - Desktop Environment & Window Manager - X11 Server ### More - [Slides (fr)](/res/Memoire_obf.pdf)
# Genesys internship
In 2012, I did a 7 week internship in Genesys, an affiliate of Alcatel Lucent. I worked on debugging the VBS Scripts for __automated regression tests__, started by another student the preceding year.
# Electronics Club
![](/img/lowres/clubelec-1.jpg) ![](/img/lowres/clubelec-2.jpg)
Since 2011, I am an active member of the Electronics Club of ISEN Brest, a __student-driven club__ specialized in __electronics__, __computer sciences__ and __robotics__, hosted by my engineer school. ### Used skills - Team managing - Meetings organization - Event poster designs - Repair/configuration of PC running Windows/Linux, and electronic hardwares - Electronic and programming projects ### More - Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ClubElecIsenBrest