# Welcome

My name is _Thibaut CHARLES_ I am a French engineer who __love__ computer sciences, especially when it is comes to __Linux__ and __low level__ or __performance constrained__ programming. ## Contact me - Mail: thibaut.charles.fr@gmail.com - On [Matrix](https://matrix.org/blog/home/): [@CromFr:matrix.org](https://matrix.to/#/@CromFr:matrix.org) - ``` PGP 8A4B D04D A8BB 3247 20C1 B842 568E 61BB FB6D A047 ``` ## Accounts Mastodon Twitter GitHub GitLab Self hosted Gitea Keybase profile ## Resume Send me a mail at thibaut.charles.fr@gmail.com and I'll send you my resume as soon as possible ! ## Legacy accounts (abandoned) Facebook LinkedIn