# WIC ## Generate image ```sh wic create $WKS -e $IMAGE -o . ``` `$WKS`: File containing the configuration of the partition table. The generated disk image will be put in `build/$WKS-*.$DISK.direct` You need to source `$POKY/oe-init-build-env` to use wic ## Available images To list available configuration files: ```sh wic list images ``` # WKS config file A WKS configuration file contains a list of commands to create the partitions and configure the bootloader. ## Sample config ```sh # short-description: Create a 'pcbios' direct disk image # long-description: Creates a partitioned legacy BIOS disk image that the user # can directly dd to boot media. part /boot --source bootimg-pcbios --ondisk sda --label boot --active --align 1024 part / --source rootfs --ondisk sda --fstype=ext3 --label platform --align 1024 --size=200M bootloader --timeout=0 --append="rootwait rootfstype=ext3 video=vesafb vga=current console=tty0" ``` The syntax doesn't support escaped line return
ie you cant do this:
bootloader  \
	--timeout=0  \
## Header ```sh # short-description: your description # long-description: long description... ``` These descriptions are optional and will be displayed when using `wic list images` ## Commands #### Partition ```sh part $MOUNTPOINT [args] ``` `args`|_ ---|--- `$MOUNTPOINT`|Mount point. Can be a path (eg `/`, `/boot`) or `swap` `--source`|Source data provided by a plugin. To list plugins: `wic list source-plugins` `--size`|Partition size in MB.
If not provided, the partition will have the minimum possible size. `--ondisk`|Disk name on the target system (eg `sda`, `sdb`, ...) `--fstype`|File system type (eg `ext4`, `ext2`, `btrfs`, `swap`, ...) `--fsoptions`|Mount options to be added in fstab. `--label`|Partition name `--align`|Partition alignment in KB (ex: 1024) `--active`| Mark partition as active ? #### Bootloader ```sh bootloader [args] ``` `args`|_ ---|--- `--timeout`|Timeout in seconds before booting default option `--append`|Kernel command line arguments to bee added when booting.