
151 lines
6.1 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using CLRScriptFramework;
using NWScript;
using NWScript.ManagedInterfaceLayer.NWScriptManagedInterface;
using NWEffect = NWScript.NWScriptEngineStructure0;
using NWEvent = NWScript.NWScriptEngineStructure1;
using NWLocation = NWScript.NWScriptEngineStructure2;
using NWTalent = NWScript.NWScriptEngineStructure3;
using NWItemProperty = NWScript.NWScriptEngineStructure4;
namespace CLRScript
public partial class nwn2ai_onmoduleload : CLRScriptBase, ICLRScriptImplementation
/// <summary>
/// This helper function saves the value of all 'globals' to an object
/// array for use with storing a saved state (e.g. a script situation).
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A list of global variables, to be restored by a future
/// call to LoadScriptGlobals.</returns>
public object[] SaveScriptGlobals()
object[] Globals = new object[GlobalFields.Count];
int i = 0;
foreach (FieldInfo Field in GlobalFields)
Globals[i] = Field.GetValue(this);
i += 1;
return Globals;
/// <summary>
/// This routine is the main entry point symbol for the script. It is
/// invoked when the packaged script is executed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ObjectSelf">Supplies the "OBJECT_SELF" object id of
/// the object that the script is being executed over. This may be the
/// invalid object id (Script.OBJECT_INVALID) if no object is
/// associated with the execute script request.</param>
/// <param name="ScriptParameters">Supplies the parameter values for
/// the script. If the type deriving from IGeneratedScriptProgram
/// declares a ScriptParameterTypes public field, then parameters may
/// be passed in via this array (in which case the parameter types
/// have already been converted and validated). Otherwise, no
/// arguments are provided.</param>
/// <param name="DefaultReturnCode">Supplies the requested default
/// return code to use if the script is a "main"-style script that
/// would not conventionally return a value.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 ExecuteScript([In] UInt32 ObjectSelf, [In] object[] ScriptParameters, [In] Int32 DefaultReturnCode)
UInt32 OldOBJECT_SELF = ObjectSelf;
int ReturnCode;
OBJECT_SELF = ObjectSelf;
ReturnCode = ScriptMain(ScriptParameters, DefaultReturnCode);
return ReturnCode;
/// <summary>
/// This routine is invoked when a script situation created by the
/// script is resumed for execution (for example, a DelayCommand
/// continuation). Its purpose is to perform the appropriate resume
/// action for this continuation.
/// Note that a script situation may be resumed after the original
/// script object has been deleted, or even after the host process has
/// been exited and restarted (in the save of a saved game that has
/// been loaded).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ScriptSituationId">Supplies the ScriptSituationId that
/// was provided to the initial StoreState request, which is intended
/// to uniquely identify the site within which the script situation was
/// created.</param>
/// <param name="Locals">Supplies an array of local variables that were
/// provided to the initial StoreState request. The locals may only
/// include standard NWScript types (Int32, UInt32, Single, and engine
/// structures).</param>
/// <param name="ObjectSelf">Supplies the "OBJECT_SELF" object id of
/// the object that the script is being executed over. This may be the
/// invalid object id (Script.OBJECT_INVALID) if no object is
/// associated with the execute script request.</param>
public void ExecuteScriptSituation([In] UInt32 ScriptSituationId, [In] object[] Locals, [In] UInt32 ObjectSelf)
// Call the helper function.
DispatchExecuteScriptSituation(ScriptSituationId, Locals, ObjectSelf);
/// <summary>
/// This routine is invoked when the script context is being cloned for
/// the creation of a script situation. Its purpose is to create a new
/// SampleManagedNWScript object and transfer any state desired to the
/// new script object.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The cloned script object is returned.</returns>
public IGeneratedScriptProgram CloneScriptProgram()
return (IGeneratedScriptProgram)(new nwn2ai_onmoduleload(this));
/// <summary>
/// This routine is invoked when the script context was restored from
/// the interopability script stack for a script situation. Its
/// purpose is to restore any 'global' (i.e. member variable) state
/// that was passed to the initial StoreState request. The globals may
/// only include standard NWScript types (Int32, UInt32, Single, and
/// engine structures).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Globals">Supplies an array of global variables that
/// were provided to the initial StoreState request.</param>
public void LoadScriptGlobals([In] object[] Globals)
// Restore all [NWScriptGlobal] attributed globals from the global
// list.
int i = 0;
foreach (FieldInfo Field in GlobalFields)
Field.SetValue(this, Globals[i]);
i += 1;