
1344 lines
50 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using NWScript;
using NWScript.ManagedInterfaceLayer.NWScriptManagedInterface;
using NWEffect = NWScript.NWScriptEngineStructure0;
using NWEvent = NWScript.NWScriptEngineStructure1;
using NWLocation = NWScript.NWScriptEngineStructure2;
using NWTalent = NWScript.NWScriptEngineStructure3;
using NWItemProperty = NWScript.NWScriptEngineStructure4;
namespace NWScript
/// <summary>
/// This attribute class tags a field as a "NWScript global", which is
/// automatically saved and restored across script situation continuations.
/// Only fields that are of type Int32 ("int"), UInt32 ("object"),
/// Single ("float"), or engine structure types, may be declared as
/// NWScript globals.
/// </summary>
public class NWScriptGlobal : System.Attribute
public NWScriptGlobal()
namespace CLRScriptFramework
public interface ICLRScriptImplementation
/// <summary>
/// This helper function saves the value of all 'globals' to an object
/// array for use with storing a saved state (e.g. a script situation).
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A list of global variables, to be restored by a future
/// call to LoadScriptGlobals.</returns>
object[] SaveScriptGlobals();
/// <summary>
/// This function represents the user's main script entrypoint symbol.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ScriptParameters">Supplies the argument vector for the
/// script.</param>
/// <param name="DefaultReturnCode">Supplies the requested default
/// return code if the script does not wish to specify a specific
/// return code.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
Int32 ScriptMain([In] object[] ScriptParameters, [In] Int32 DefaultReturnCode);
/// <summary>
/// This routine is invoked when the script context is being cloned for
/// the creation of a script situation. Its purpose is to create a new
/// SampleManagedNWScript object and transfer any state desired to the
/// new script object.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The cloned script object is returned.</returns>
IGeneratedScriptProgram CloneScriptProgram();
/// <summary>
/// This partial implementation of the sample script includes wrappers for
/// the high level NWScript functions. You should include the wrappers in
/// your script object type.
/// </summary>
public partial class CLRScriptBase
/// <summary>
/// The following field is the "self" constant for use within the
/// script.
/// </summary>
public UInt32 OBJECT_SELF;
/// <summary>
/// The following constant is the "invalid" object id constant for use
/// within the script.
/// </summary>
public const UInt32 OBJECT_INVALID = ManagedNWScript.OBJECT_INVALID;
/// <summary>
/// This datatype wraps the concept of an "action" datatype in NWScript, that
/// is, a continued execution context.
/// </summary>
public delegate void NWAction();
/// <summary>
/// This table is used to track pending action delegates for resume.
/// It should not be used by user code.
/// </summary>
protected static Dictionary<UInt32, NWAction> ActionDelegateTable = new Dictionary<UInt32, NWAction>();
/// <summary>
/// This variable tracks the next available resume method id for an
/// action delegate. It should not be used by user code.
/// </summary>
protected static UInt32 NextActionDelegateId = 0;
/// <summary>
/// The ManagedNWScript object represents the high level script API
/// that is used to interface with the host program.
/// </summary>
public ManagedNWScript ScriptHost;
/// <summary>
/// The following list describes the set of 'global variables' that are
/// automatically saved and restored across script situations.
/// </summary>
protected static List<FieldInfo> GlobalFields;
/// <summary>
/// The following script program object can optionally be set to
/// delegate unrecognized script situation ids. This capability can be
/// useful if, for example, we want to call a NWScript script that sets
/// up its own script situations. In that case, we would need to be
/// able to dispatch those script situation resumes on the right script
/// object.
/// </summary>
public IGeneratedScriptProgram DelegateScriptObject = null;
/// <summary>
/// This routine sets up a saved script situation for a store state
/// request.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Action">Supplies the action delegate to save for later
/// execution.</param>
protected void InternalSaveStateForAction(NWAction Action)
// Insert the delegate into the resume method table. The resume
// method ID is used to look up the delegate when we are entered to
// resume a script situation.
// Script situation IDs created by CLR script code always have the
// top bit set. Conversely, script situation IDs that are used by
// JIT'd NWScript scripts don't have this bit set. This allows the
// resume dispatcher to distinguish between the two.
UInt32 ResumeMethodId = NextActionDelegateId++ | 0x80000000;
ActionDelegateTable[ResumeMethodId] = Action;
// Now clone the script program, save off global variables, and
// package the script program object's state into the VM stack for
// later execution.
// No local variables are stored presently, as we use the CLR state
// retained within the delegate object itself. Note that this
// precludes restoring a script situation from a saved game.
// N.B. A non-zero resume PC must be set. Otherwise, the NWScript
// runtime environment may not recognize that this is a
// resume from a script situation, versus an invocation at
// the entry point.
ICLRScriptImplementation ScriptImplementation = (ICLRScriptImplementation)this;
ScriptHost.Host.Intrinsic_StoreState(ScriptImplementation.SaveScriptGlobals(), null, 1, ResumeMethodId, ScriptImplementation.CloneScriptProgram());
/// <summary>
/// This routine is invoked to dispatch a script situation to its
/// associated delegate. It should be called from the main
/// ExecuteScriptSituation handler.
/// Script situations dispatched via this method do NOT support loading
/// of saved games!
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ScriptSituationId">Supplies the ScriptSituationId that
/// was provided to the initial StoreState request, which is intended
/// to uniquely identify the site within which the script situation was
/// created.</param>
/// <param name="Locals">Supplies an array of local variables that were
/// provided to the initial StoreState request. The locals may only
/// include standard NWScript types (Int32, UInt32, Single, and engine
/// structures).</param>
/// <param name="ObjectSelf">Supplies the "OBJECT_SELF" object id of
/// the object that the script is being executed over. This may be the
/// invalid object id (Script.OBJECT_INVALID) if no object is
/// associated with the execute script request.</param>
public void DispatchExecuteScriptSituation([In] UInt32 ScriptSituationId, [In] object[] Locals, [In] UInt32 ObjectSelf)
// If this was a script situation set up by CLR script code, run
// the delegate.
if ((ScriptSituationId & 0x80000000) != 0)
// Assign a new OBJECT_SELF temporarily, for the invocation, and
// dispatch to the delegate.
OBJECT_SELF = ObjectSelf;
else if (DelegateScriptObject != null)
// This is a script situation setup by NWScript code and we
// have established a delegate script object (which is expected
// to be a NWScript script object). Dispatch the request on
// the delegate script object.
DelegateScriptObject.ExecuteScriptSituation(ScriptSituationId, Locals, ObjectSelf);
throw new ApplicationException("Unable to dispatch script situation " + ScriptSituationId);
/// <summary>
/// This routine creates a default engine structure of type NWEffect.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The default value engine structure is returned.</returns>
public NWEffect GetDefaultNWEffect()
return ScriptHost.Intrinsics.Intrinsic_CreateEngineStructure0();
/// <summary>
/// This routine compares two engine structures of type NWEffect for
/// equality.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Effect1">Supplies the first engine structure.</param>
/// <param name="Effect2">Supplies the second engine structure.</param>
/// <returns>The routine returns true of the engine structures are
/// logically equal.</returns>
public bool EqualNWEffects(NWEffect Effect1, NWEffect Effect2)
return ScriptHost.Intrinsics.Intrinsic_CompareEngineStructure0(Effect1, Effect2);
/// <summary>
/// This routine creates a default engine structure of type NWEvent.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The default value engine structure is returned.</returns>
public NWEvent GetDefaultNWEvent()
return ScriptHost.Intrinsics.Intrinsic_CreateEngineStructure1();
/// <summary>
/// This routine compares two engine structures of type NWEvent for
/// equality.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Effect1">Supplies the first engine structure.</param>
/// <param name="Effect2">Supplies the second engine structure.</param>
/// <returns>The routine returns true of the engine structures are
/// logically equal.</returns>
public bool EqualNWEvents(NWEvent Event1, NWEvent Event2)
return ScriptHost.Intrinsics.Intrinsic_CompareEngineStructure1(Event1, Event2);
/// <summary>
/// This routine creates a default engine structure of type NWLocation.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The default value engine structure is returned.</returns>
public NWLocation GetDefaultNWLocation()
return ScriptHost.Intrinsics.Intrinsic_CreateEngineStructure2();
/// <summary>
/// This routine compares two engine structures of type NWLocation for
/// equality.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Effect1">Supplies the first engine structure.</param>
/// <param name="Effect2">Supplies the second engine structure.</param>
/// <returns>The routine returns true of the engine structures are
/// logically equal.</returns>
public bool EqualNWLocations(NWLocation Location1, NWLocation Location2)
return ScriptHost.Intrinsics.Intrinsic_CompareEngineStructure2(Location1, Location2);
/// <summary>
/// This routine creates a default engine structure of type NWTalent.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The default value engine structure is returned.</returns>
public NWTalent GetDefaultNWTalent()
return ScriptHost.Intrinsics.Intrinsic_CreateEngineStructure3();
/// <summary>
/// This routine compares two engine structures of type NWTalent for
/// equality.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Effect1">Supplies the first engine structure.</param>
/// <param name="Effect2">Supplies the second engine structure.</param>
/// <returns>The routine returns true of the engine structures are
/// logically equal.</returns>
public bool EqualNWTalents(NWTalent Talent1, NWTalent Talent2)
return ScriptHost.Intrinsics.Intrinsic_CompareEngineStructure3(Talent1, Talent2);
/// <summary>
/// This routine creates a default engine structure of type NWItemProperty.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The default value engine structure is returned.</returns>
public NWItemProperty GetDefaultNWItemProperty()
return ScriptHost.Intrinsics.Intrinsic_CreateEngineStructure4();
/// <summary>
/// This routine compares two engine structures of type NWItemProperty
/// for equality.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Effect1">Supplies the first engine structure.</param>
/// <param name="Effect2">Supplies the second engine structure.</param>
/// <returns>The routine returns true of the engine structures are
/// logically equal.</returns>
public bool EqualNWItemProperties(NWItemProperty ItemProperty1, NWItemProperty ItemProperty2)
return ScriptHost.Intrinsics.Intrinsic_CompareEngineStructure4(ItemProperty1, ItemProperty2);
/// <summary>
/// This function is called from the user's constructor. Its purpose
/// is to initialize internal library support data.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Intrinsics">Supplies the JIT intrinsics interface that
/// is used to interface with various engine structure constructs.</param>
/// <param name="Host">Supplies the JIT host program interface that is
/// used to interface with the host program.</param>
protected void InitScript(NWScriptJITIntrinsics Intrinsics, INWScriptProgram Host)
// Create a managed script interface object and hand over control
// of the host and intrinsics interfaces.
// Most operations should use the managed interface wrapper and not
// the raw intrinsics or host object methods.
ScriptHost = new ManagedNWScript(Intrinsics, Host);
// Discover the list of global variables associated with the
// script, and set default values for globals that cannot be null.
// Set the default OBJECT_SELF value up.
/// <summary>
/// This function is called from the user's copy constructor. Its
/// purpose is to initialize internal library support data.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Other>Supplies the instance to copy data from.</param>
protected void InitScript(CLRScriptBase Other)
ScriptHost = Other.ScriptHost;
DelegateScriptObject = Other.DelegateScriptObject;
/// <summary>
/// This provides an IEnumerator for areas present in a module.
/// </summary>
public class AreaEnumerator : IEnumerator<uint>
public AreaEnumerator(CLRScriptBase TheScript)
Script = TheScript;
public void Dispose() { }
public bool MoveNext()
if (IsReset)
CurrentItem = Script.GetFirstArea();
CurrentItem = Script.GetNextArea();
IsReset = false;
return CurrentItem != OBJECT_INVALID;
public void Reset()
IsReset = true;
public uint Current { get { return CurrentItem; } }
object IEnumerator.Current { get { return CurrentItem; } }
protected CLRScriptBase Script;
protected bool IsReset = true;
protected UInt32 CurrentItem;
public class AreaEnumeratorHelper : IEnumerable<uint>
public AreaEnumeratorHelper(CLRScriptBase TheScript)
Script = TheScript;
public IEnumerator<uint> GetEnumerator() { return new AreaEnumerator(Script); }
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return new AreaEnumerator(Script); }
protected CLRScriptBase Script;
/// <summary>
/// This routine returns an enumerator for areas in the module.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The enumerator is returned.</returns>
public AreaEnumeratorHelper GetAreas()
return new AreaEnumeratorHelper(this);
/// <summary>
/// This provides an IEnumerator for players present.
/// </summary>
public class PlayerEnumerator : IEnumerator<uint>
public PlayerEnumerator(CLRScriptBase TheScript, bool IsOwnedCharacter)
Script = TheScript;
OwnedCharacter = IsOwnedCharacter;
public void Dispose() { }
public bool MoveNext()
if (IsReset)
CurrentItem = Script.GetFirstPC(OwnedCharacter ? TRUE : FALSE);
CurrentItem = Script.GetNextPC(OwnedCharacter ? TRUE : FALSE);
IsReset = false;
return CurrentItem != OBJECT_INVALID;
public void Reset()
IsReset = true;
public uint Current { get { return CurrentItem; } }
object IEnumerator.Current { get { return CurrentItem; } }
protected CLRScriptBase Script;
protected bool IsReset = true;
protected bool OwnedCharacter;
protected UInt32 CurrentItem;
public class PlayerEnumeratorHelper : IEnumerable<uint>
public PlayerEnumeratorHelper(CLRScriptBase TheScript, bool IsOwnedCharacter)
Script = TheScript;
OwnedCharacter = IsOwnedCharacter;
public IEnumerator<uint> GetEnumerator() { return new PlayerEnumerator(Script, OwnedCharacter); }
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return new PlayerEnumerator(Script, OwnedCharacter); }
protected CLRScriptBase Script;
protected bool OwnedCharacter;
/// <summary>
/// This routine returns an enumerator for players in the module.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="IsOwnedCharacter">Supplies true if owned characters
/// should be returned instead of active characters.</param>
/// <returns>The enumerator is returned.</returns>
public PlayerEnumeratorHelper GetPlayers(bool IsOwnedCharacter)
return new PlayerEnumeratorHelper(this, IsOwnedCharacter);
/// <summary>
/// This provides an IEnumerator for objects present in an area.
/// </summary>
public class AreaObjectEnumerator : IEnumerator<uint>
public AreaObjectEnumerator(uint ObjectId, CLRScriptBase TheScript)
Area = ObjectId;
Script = TheScript;
public void Dispose() { }
public bool MoveNext()
if (IsReset)
CurrentItem = Script.GetFirstObjectInArea(Area);
CurrentItem = Script.GetNextObjectInArea(Area);
IsReset = false;
return CurrentItem != OBJECT_INVALID;
public void Reset()
IsReset = true;
public uint Current { get { return CurrentItem; } }
object IEnumerator.Current { get { return CurrentItem; } }
protected CLRScriptBase Script;
protected bool IsReset = true;
protected UInt32 Area;
protected UInt32 CurrentItem;
public class AreaObjectEnumeratorHelper : IEnumerable<uint>
public AreaObjectEnumeratorHelper(uint ObjectId, CLRScriptBase TheScript)
Area = ObjectId;
Script = TheScript;
public IEnumerator<uint> GetEnumerator() { return new AreaObjectEnumerator(Area, Script); }
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return new AreaObjectEnumerator(Area, Script); }
protected CLRScriptBase Script;
protected UInt32 Area;
/// <summary>
/// This routine returns an enumerator for objects in an area.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="AreaObject">Supplies the area object.</param>
/// <returns>The enumerator is returned.</returns>
public AreaObjectEnumeratorHelper GetObjectsInArea(uint AreaObject)
return new AreaObjectEnumeratorHelper(AreaObject, this);
/// <summary>
/// This provides an IEnumerator for objects present in a container.
/// </summary>
public class ContainerObjectEnumerator : IEnumerator<uint>
public ContainerObjectEnumerator(uint ObjectId, CLRScriptBase TheScript)
Container = ObjectId;
Script = TheScript;
public void Dispose() { }
public bool MoveNext()
if (IsReset)
CurrentItem = Script.GetFirstItemInInventory(Container);
CurrentItem = Script.GetNextItemInInventory(Container);
IsReset = false;
return CurrentItem != OBJECT_INVALID;
public void Reset()
IsReset = true;
public uint Current { get { return CurrentItem; } }
object IEnumerator.Current { get { return CurrentItem; } }
protected CLRScriptBase Script;
protected bool IsReset = true;
protected UInt32 Container;
protected UInt32 CurrentItem;
public class ContainerObjectEnumeratorHelper : IEnumerable<uint>
public ContainerObjectEnumeratorHelper(uint ObjectId, CLRScriptBase TheScript)
Container = ObjectId;
Script = TheScript;
public IEnumerator<uint> GetEnumerator() { return new ContainerObjectEnumerator(Container, Script); }
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return new ContainerObjectEnumerator(Container, Script); }
protected CLRScriptBase Script;
protected UInt32 Container;
/// <summary>
/// This routine returns an enumerator for objects in a container.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The enumerator is returned.</returns>
public ContainerObjectEnumeratorHelper GetObjectsInContainer(uint ContainerObject)
return new ContainerObjectEnumeratorHelper(ContainerObject, this);
/// <summary>
/// This provides an IEnumerator for objects present in a faction.
/// </summary>
public class FactionObjectEnumerator : IEnumerator<uint>
public FactionObjectEnumerator(uint ObjectId, bool IsPCOnly, CLRScriptBase TheScript)
FactionMember = ObjectId;
PCOnly = IsPCOnly;
Script = TheScript;
public void Dispose() { }
public bool MoveNext()
if (IsReset)
CurrentItem = Script.GetFirstFactionMember(FactionMember, PCOnly ? TRUE : FALSE);
CurrentItem = Script.GetNextFactionMember(FactionMember, PCOnly ? TRUE : FALSE);
IsReset = false;
return CurrentItem != OBJECT_INVALID;
public void Reset()
IsReset = true;
public uint Current { get { return CurrentItem; } }
object IEnumerator.Current { get { return CurrentItem; } }
protected CLRScriptBase Script;
protected bool IsReset = true;
protected UInt32 FactionMember;
protected bool PCOnly;
protected UInt32 CurrentItem;
public class FactionObjectEnumeratorHelper : IEnumerable<uint>
public FactionObjectEnumeratorHelper(uint ObjectId, bool IsPCOnly, CLRScriptBase TheScript)
FactionMember = ObjectId;
PCOnly = IsPCOnly;
Script = TheScript;
public IEnumerator<uint> GetEnumerator() { return new FactionObjectEnumerator(FactionMember, PCOnly, Script); }
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return new FactionObjectEnumerator(FactionMember, PCOnly, Script); }
protected CLRScriptBase Script;
protected UInt32 FactionMember;
protected bool PCOnly;
/// <summary>
/// This routine returns an enumerator for objects in a faction.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="FactionMember">Supplies a member of the faction to
/// enumerate.</param>
/// <param name="PCOnly">Supplies true if only PCs are to be returned.</param>
/// <returns>The enumerator is returned.</returns>
public FactionObjectEnumeratorHelper GetObjectsInFaction(uint FactionMember, bool PCOnly)
return new FactionObjectEnumeratorHelper(FactionMember, PCOnly, this);
/// <summary>
/// This provides an IEnumerator for subareas overlapping a position.
/// </summary>
public class AreaSubAreaEnumerator : IEnumerator<uint>
public AreaSubAreaEnumerator(uint ObjectId, Vector3 ThePosition, CLRScriptBase TheScript)
Area = ObjectId;
Position = ThePosition;
Script = TheScript;
public void Dispose() { }
public bool MoveNext()
if (IsReset)
CurrentItem = Script.GetFirstSubArea(Area, Position);
CurrentItem = Script.GetNextSubArea(Area);
IsReset = false;
return CurrentItem != OBJECT_INVALID;
public void Reset()
IsReset = true;
public uint Current { get { return CurrentItem; } }
object IEnumerator.Current { get { return CurrentItem; } }
protected CLRScriptBase Script;
protected bool IsReset = true;
protected UInt32 Area;
protected Vector3 Position;
protected UInt32 CurrentItem;
public class AreaSubAreaEnumeratorHelper : IEnumerable<uint>
public AreaSubAreaEnumeratorHelper(uint ObjectId, Vector3 ThePosition, CLRScriptBase TheScript)
Area = ObjectId;
Position = ThePosition;
Script = TheScript;
public IEnumerator<uint> GetEnumerator() { return new AreaSubAreaEnumerator(Area, Position, Script); }
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return new AreaSubAreaEnumerator(Area, Position, Script); }
protected CLRScriptBase Script;
protected UInt32 Area;
protected Vector3 Position;
/// <summary>
/// This routine routines an enumerator for subareas overlapping a
/// position.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="AreaObject">Supplies the area object.</param>
/// <param name="Position">Supplies the position in the area to
/// enumerate overlapping subareas of.</param>
/// <returns>The enumerator is returned.</returns>
public AreaSubAreaEnumeratorHelper GetSubAreas(uint AreaObject, Vector3 Position)
return new AreaSubAreaEnumeratorHelper(AreaObject, Position, this);
/// <summary>
/// This provides an IEnumerator for objects in a persistent object.
/// </summary>
public class PersistentObjectEnumerator : IEnumerator<uint>
public PersistentObjectEnumerator(uint ObjectId, int TheResidentObjectType, int ThePersistentZone, CLRScriptBase TheScript)
PersistentObject = ObjectId;
ResidentObjectType = TheResidentObjectType;
PersistentZone = ThePersistentZone;
Script = TheScript;
public void Dispose() { }
public bool MoveNext()
if (IsReset)
CurrentItem = Script.GetFirstInPersistentObject(PersistentObject, ResidentObjectType, PersistentZone);
CurrentItem = Script.GetNextInPersistentObject(PersistentObject, ResidentObjectType, PersistentZone);
IsReset = false;
return CurrentItem != OBJECT_INVALID;
public void Reset()
IsReset = true;
public uint Current { get { return CurrentItem; } }
object IEnumerator.Current { get { return CurrentItem; } }
protected CLRScriptBase Script;
protected bool IsReset = true;
protected UInt32 PersistentObject;
protected int ResidentObjectType;
protected int PersistentZone;
protected UInt32 CurrentItem;
public class PersistentObjectEnumeratorHelper : IEnumerable<uint>
public PersistentObjectEnumeratorHelper(uint ObjectId, int TheResidentObjectType, int ThePersistentZone, CLRScriptBase TheScript)
PersistentObject = ObjectId;
ResidentObjectType = TheResidentObjectType;
PersistentZone = ThePersistentZone;
Script = TheScript;
public IEnumerator<uint> GetEnumerator() { return new PersistentObjectEnumerator(PersistentObject, ResidentObjectType, PersistentZone, Script); }
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return new PersistentObjectEnumerator(PersistentObject, ResidentObjectType, PersistentZone, Script); }
protected CLRScriptBase Script;
protected UInt32 PersistentObject;
protected int ResidentObjectType;
protected int PersistentZone;
/// <summary>
/// This routine routines an enumerator for objects in a persistent
/// object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="PersistentObject">Supplies the persistent object.</param>
/// <param name="ResidentObjectType">Supplies the object type(s) to
/// query.</param>
/// <param name="PersistentZone">Supplies the persistent zone
/// <returns>The enumerator is returned.</returns>
public PersistentObjectEnumeratorHelper GetObjectsInPersistentObject(uint PersistentObject, int ResidentObjectType, int PersistentZone)
return new PersistentObjectEnumeratorHelper(PersistentObject, ResidentObjectType, PersistentZone, this);
/// <summary>
/// This provides an IEnumerator for objects in a shape.
/// </summary>
public class ObjectInShapeEnumerator : IEnumerator<uint>
public ObjectInShapeEnumerator(int TheShape, float TheSize, NWLocation TheLocation, bool IsLineOfSight, int TheObjectFilter, Vector3 TheOrigin, CLRScriptBase TheScript)
Shape = TheShape;
Size = TheSize;
Location = TheLocation;
LineOfSight = IsLineOfSight;
ObjectFilter = TheObjectFilter;
Origin = TheOrigin;
Script = TheScript;
public void Dispose() { }
public bool MoveNext()
if (IsReset)
CurrentItem = Script.GetFirstObjectInShape(Shape, Size, Location, LineOfSight ? TRUE : FALSE, ObjectFilter, Origin);
CurrentItem = Script.GetNextObjectInShape(Shape, Size, Location, LineOfSight ? TRUE : FALSE, ObjectFilter, Origin);
IsReset = false;
return CurrentItem != OBJECT_INVALID;
public void Reset()
IsReset = true;
public uint Current { get { return CurrentItem; } }
object IEnumerator.Current { get { return CurrentItem; } }
protected CLRScriptBase Script;
protected bool IsReset = true;
protected int Shape;
protected float Size;
protected NWLocation Location;
protected bool LineOfSight;
protected int ObjectFilter;
protected Vector3 Origin;
protected UInt32 CurrentItem;
public class ObjectInShapeEnumeratorHelper : IEnumerable<uint>
public ObjectInShapeEnumeratorHelper(int TheShape, float TheSize, NWLocation TheLocation, bool IsLineOfSight, int TheObjectFilter, Vector3 TheOrigin, CLRScriptBase TheScript)
Shape = TheShape;
Size = TheSize;
Location = TheLocation;
LineOfSight = IsLineOfSight;
ObjectFilter = TheObjectFilter;
Origin = TheOrigin;
Script = TheScript;
public IEnumerator<uint> GetEnumerator() { return new ObjectInShapeEnumerator(Shape, Size, Location, LineOfSight, ObjectFilter, Origin, Script); }
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return new ObjectInShapeEnumerator(Shape, Size, Location, LineOfSight, ObjectFilter, Origin, Script); }
protected CLRScriptBase Script;
protected int Shape;
protected float Size;
protected NWLocation Location;
protected bool LineOfSight;
protected int ObjectFilter;
protected Vector3 Origin;
/// <summary>
/// This routine routines an enumerator for objects in a shape.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Shape">Supplies the shape (SHAPE_*).</param>
/// <param name="Size">Supplies the size of the shape.</param>
/// <param name="Location">Supplies the location of the shape.</param>
/// <param name="LineOfSight">Supplies true if only line of sight from
/// OBJECT_SELF is to be considered.</param>
/// <param name="ObjectFilter">Supplies the object type filter mask.
/// </param>
/// <param name="Origin">Supplies the origin of the shape.</param>
/// <returns>The enumerator is returned.</returns>
public ObjectInShapeEnumeratorHelper GetObjectsInShape(int Shape, float Size, NWLocation Location, bool LineOfSight, int ObjectFilter, Vector3 Origin)
return new ObjectInShapeEnumeratorHelper(Shape, Size, Location, LineOfSight, ObjectFilter, Origin, this);
/// <summary>
/// This provides an IEnumerator for effects attached to an object.
/// </summary>
public class ObjectEffectEnumerator : IEnumerator<NWEffect>
public ObjectEffectEnumerator(uint ObjectId, CLRScriptBase TheScript)
TheObject = ObjectId;
Script = TheScript;
public void Dispose() { }
public bool MoveNext()
if (IsReset)
CurrentItem = Script.GetFirstEffect(TheObject);
CurrentItem = Script.GetNextEffect(TheObject);
IsReset = false;
return Script.GetIsEffectValid(CurrentItem) != FALSE;
public void Reset()
IsReset = true;
public NWEffect Current { get { return CurrentItem; } }
object IEnumerator.Current { get { return CurrentItem; } }
protected CLRScriptBase Script;
protected bool IsReset = true;
protected UInt32 TheObject;
protected NWEffect CurrentItem;
public class ObjectEffectEnumeratorHelper : IEnumerable<NWEffect>
public ObjectEffectEnumeratorHelper(uint ObjectId, CLRScriptBase TheScript)
TheObject = ObjectId;
Script = TheScript;
public IEnumerator<NWEffect> GetEnumerator() { return new ObjectEffectEnumerator(TheObject, Script); }
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return new ObjectEffectEnumerator(TheObject, Script); }
protected CLRScriptBase Script;
protected UInt32 TheObject;
/// <summary>
/// This routine routines an enumerator for effects on an object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ObjectId">Supplies the object id to query.</param>
/// <returns>The enumerator is returned.</returns>
public ObjectEffectEnumeratorHelper GetObjectEffects(uint ObjectId)
return new ObjectEffectEnumeratorHelper(ObjectId, this);
/// <summary>
/// This provides an IEnumerator for item properties attached to an
/// object.
/// </summary>
public class ObjectItemPropertyEnumerator : IEnumerator<NWItemProperty>
public ObjectItemPropertyEnumerator(uint ObjectId, CLRScriptBase TheScript)
TheObject = ObjectId;
Script = TheScript;
public void Dispose() { }
public bool MoveNext()
if (IsReset)
CurrentItem = Script.GetFirstItemProperty(TheObject);
CurrentItem = Script.GetNextItemProperty(TheObject);
IsReset = false;
return Script.GetIsItemPropertyValid(CurrentItem) != FALSE;
public void Reset()
IsReset = true;
public NWItemProperty Current { get { return CurrentItem; } }
object IEnumerator.Current { get { return CurrentItem; } }
protected CLRScriptBase Script;
protected bool IsReset = true;
protected UInt32 TheObject;
protected NWItemProperty CurrentItem;
public class ObjectItemPropertyEnumeratorHelper : IEnumerable<NWItemProperty>
public ObjectItemPropertyEnumeratorHelper(uint ObjectId, CLRScriptBase TheScript)
TheObject = ObjectId;
Script = TheScript;
public IEnumerator<NWItemProperty> GetEnumerator() { return new ObjectItemPropertyEnumerator(TheObject, Script); }
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return new ObjectItemPropertyEnumerator(TheObject, Script); }
protected CLRScriptBase Script;
protected UInt32 TheObject;
/// <summary>
/// This routine routines an enumerator for item properties on an item.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ItemObject">Supplies the item object to query.</param>
/// <returns>The enumerator is returned.</returns>
public ObjectItemPropertyEnumeratorHelper GetItemPropertiesOnItem(uint ItemObject)
return new ObjectItemPropertyEnumeratorHelper(ItemObject, this);
/// <summary>
/// This provides an IEnumerator for entering players.
/// </summary>
public class EnteringPlayerEnumerator : IEnumerator<uint>
public EnteringPlayerEnumerator(CLRScriptBase TheScript)
Script = TheScript;
public void Dispose() { }
public bool MoveNext()
if (IsReset)
CurrentItem = Script.GetFirstEnteringPC();
CurrentItem = Script.GetNextEnteringPC();
IsReset = false;
return CurrentItem != OBJECT_INVALID;
public void Reset()
IsReset = true;
public uint Current { get { return CurrentItem; } }
object IEnumerator.Current { get { return CurrentItem; } }
protected CLRScriptBase Script;
protected bool IsReset = true;
protected UInt32 CurrentItem;
public class EnteringPlayerEnumeratorHelper : IEnumerable<uint>
public EnteringPlayerEnumeratorHelper(CLRScriptBase TheScript)
Script = TheScript;
public IEnumerator<uint> GetEnumerator() { return new EnteringPlayerEnumerator(Script); }
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return new EnteringPlayerEnumerator(Script); }
protected CLRScriptBase Script;
/// <summary>
/// This routine routines an enumerator for entering players.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The enumerator is returned.</returns>
public EnteringPlayerEnumeratorHelper GetEnteringPlayers()
return new EnteringPlayerEnumeratorHelper(this);
/// <summary>
/// This provides an IEnumerator for roster members.
/// </summary>
public class RosterMemberEnumerator : IEnumerator<string>
public RosterMemberEnumerator(CLRScriptBase TheScript)
Script = TheScript;
public void Dispose() { }
public bool MoveNext()
if (IsReset)
CurrentItem = Script.GetFirstRosterMember();
CurrentItem = Script.GetNextRosterMember();
IsReset = false;
return CurrentItem != "";
public void Reset()
IsReset = true;
public string Current { get { return CurrentItem; } }
object IEnumerator.Current { get { return CurrentItem; } }
protected CLRScriptBase Script;
protected bool IsReset = true;
protected string CurrentItem;
public class RosterMemberEnumeratorHelper : IEnumerable<string>
public RosterMemberEnumeratorHelper(CLRScriptBase TheScript)
Script = TheScript;
public IEnumerator<string> GetEnumerator() { return new RosterMemberEnumerator(Script); }
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return new RosterMemberEnumerator(Script); }
protected CLRScriptBase Script;
/// <summary>
/// This routine routines an enumerator for roster members.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The enumerator is returned.</returns>
public RosterMemberEnumeratorHelper GetRosterMembers()
return new RosterMemberEnumeratorHelper(this);
/// <summary>
/// This function sets up global variable support. It discovers a list
/// of all fields that have been attributed with the [NWScriptGlobal]
/// attribution on the current class. Its purpose is to allow for
/// automatic save and restore of these values across a script situation.
/// </summary>
protected void InitGlobals()
Type ThisType = GetType();
bool CreateGlobalFields = true;
if (GlobalFields == null)
GlobalFields = new List<FieldInfo>();
CreateGlobalFields = false;
foreach (FieldInfo Field in ThisType.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic))
if (Field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NWScriptGlobal), false).Length == 0)
if (CreateGlobalFields)
// Verify that a valid type was specified for all globals.
// If not, complain in the server log.
if (!IsValidNWScriptType(Field.FieldType))
WriteTimestampedLogEntry(String.Format("{0}.InitGlobals: {0}.{1} is has an invalid type ({2}) for a [NWScriptGlobal].", GetType().FullName, Field.Name, Field.FieldType.FullName));
// Default initialize fields that may not be null.
if (Field.GetValue(this) != null)
if (Field.FieldType == typeof(string))
Field.SetValue(this, "");
else if (Field.FieldType == typeof(NWScriptEngineStructure0))
Field.SetValue(this, ScriptHost.Intrinsics.Intrinsic_CreateEngineStructure0());
else if (Field.FieldType == typeof(NWScriptEngineStructure1))
Field.SetValue(this, ScriptHost.Intrinsics.Intrinsic_CreateEngineStructure1());
else if (Field.FieldType == typeof(NWScriptEngineStructure2))
Field.SetValue(this, ScriptHost.Intrinsics.Intrinsic_CreateEngineStructure2());
else if (Field.FieldType == typeof(NWScriptEngineStructure3))
Field.SetValue(this, ScriptHost.Intrinsics.Intrinsic_CreateEngineStructure3());
else if (Field.FieldType == typeof(NWScriptEngineStructure4))
Field.SetValue(this, ScriptHost.Intrinsics.Intrinsic_CreateEngineStructure4());
else if (Field.FieldType == typeof(NWScriptEngineStructure5))
Field.SetValue(this, ScriptHost.Intrinsics.Intrinsic_CreateEngineStructure5());
else if (Field.FieldType == typeof(NWScriptEngineStructure6))
Field.SetValue(this, ScriptHost.Intrinsics.Intrinsic_CreateEngineStructure6());
else if (Field.FieldType == typeof(NWScriptEngineStructure7))
Field.SetValue(this, ScriptHost.Intrinsics.Intrinsic_CreateEngineStructure7());
else if (Field.FieldType == typeof(NWScriptEngineStructure8))
Field.SetValue(this, ScriptHost.Intrinsics.Intrinsic_CreateEngineStructure8());
else if (Field.FieldType == typeof(NWScriptEngineStructure9))
Field.SetValue(this, ScriptHost.Intrinsics.Intrinsic_CreateEngineStructure9());
/// <summary>
/// This routine determines whether a particular type represents a
/// legal NWScript type. Only legal NWScript types can be used in
/// NWScriptGlobal attributed variables.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ObjectType">Supplies the type to inquire
/// about.</param>
/// <returns>True if the type is a legal NWScript type.</returns>
protected bool IsValidNWScriptType(Type ObjectType)
if (ObjectType == typeof(Int32))
return true;
else if (ObjectType == typeof(UInt32))
return true;
else if (ObjectType == typeof(Single))
return true;
else if (ObjectType == typeof(string))
return true;
else if (ObjectType == typeof(NWScriptEngineStructure0))
return true;
else if (ObjectType == typeof(NWScriptEngineStructure1))
return true;
else if (ObjectType == typeof(NWScriptEngineStructure2))
return true;
else if (ObjectType == typeof(NWScriptEngineStructure3))
return true;
else if (ObjectType == typeof(NWScriptEngineStructure4))
return true;
else if (ObjectType == typeof(NWScriptEngineStructure5))
return true;
else if (ObjectType == typeof(NWScriptEngineStructure6))
return true;
else if (ObjectType == typeof(NWScriptEngineStructure7))
return true;
else if (ObjectType == typeof(NWScriptEngineStructure8))
return true;
else if (ObjectType == typeof(NWScriptEngineStructure9))
return true;
return false;