Between 2018 and 2019 I worked in Ifremer Brest, on a distributed data processing platform for scientific data.
## Project
The original code-base had a lot of un-necessary complexity caused by a long history of feature added without doing any proper code architecture change (the project started around 2004). The platform was strongly tied to the enterprise environment, with dependencies on specific software versions, environment variables and NFS shares.
My **main missions** were:
- **Decoupling the platform from the production environment**, for easier testing during development. The applications were very dependent on NFS shares and specific environment files.
- **Removing unused features** and reworking others while **keeping the compatibility** when possible. The platform shares a lot of similarities with continuous integration platforms, and Gitlab CI was a good inspiration for improving / replacing existing features.
- **Migrating from Python 2.4 to Python 3**, and **upgrading libraries**.
- Setting up better deployment tools, mainly with Anaconda environments and Docker containers.
- Making the software **interoperable with current services**: sending logs to Elasticsearch and RabbitMQ, replacing SQLite with PostgreSQL, sending processing jobs to PBS Pro, ...
## Skills
- Python 2 to 3 migration
- Unearthing, understanding and upgrading legacy code :)
- Code refactoring, quality improvements, bug fixes, ... and adding new features
Between 2016 and 2017 I worked in Ifremer Brest, on marine observatory stations. During this period I improved the developer environment, installing a lot of automation tools for building, checking and deploying/flashing the software on a testing environment.
+ GitlabCI (`gitlab-ci-runner`) to run automated tests
+ Automated updates of both the server OS (CoreOS) and services (mostly Docker containers)
+ Automated CoreOS setup changes through GitlabCI
# Thales Airborne Systems
title="Company logo">
Between 2014 and 2015, I worked in sandwich courses at Thales Airbourne Systems.
My mission was to __evaluate Yocto__ for building embedded Linux distributions, tuned to __match__ as much as possible the __system capabilities__.
Yocto is a __recent__ project based on OpenEmbedded Bitbake, similar to Buildroot. It __automates__ the task of building, installing and configuring softwares to __assemble__ a __complete Linux distribution__.
Yocto comes also with a lot of tools, that allows the user to execute unit tests on an emulated system, serve packages and provide updates, check that licenses are respected, ...
Between 2012 and 2013, I worked in sandwich courses at Thales Underwater Systems, on the __portage__ of the graphic part of the __Android SDK__ on RHEL5, and on the creation of a __custom window manager__ based on XLib.
Since 2011, I am an active member of the Electronics Club of ISEN Brest, a __student-driven club__ specialized in __electronics__, __computer sciences__ and __robotics__, hosted by my engineer school.