Public parts taken from private repo

This commit is contained in:
Crom (Thibaut CHARLES) 2015-07-21 14:22:25 +02:00
commit c134968005
37 changed files with 1296 additions and 0 deletions

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# Environment
## Software requirements
### Yocto
_Required packages:_
- `git`
- `graphviz`
- `python2` (`python` command should call `python2` instead of `python3`)
## Yocto setup
# For YPCore - Fido
git clone -b fido git://
cd poky
export POKY=$PWD
# This should be executed for each new shell:
source $POKY/oe-init-build-env
### Toaster
Toaster is a graphical tool to visualize build process and results.
It will launch a web server on the port 8000.
#### Setup
_Required packages:_
- `pip 2.x` (available in most distributions)
- `django 1.5`: `pip install django==1.5`
- `south`: `pip install south==0.8.4`
Toaster must be launched with __`bash`__ (`zsh` does not work)
source toaster start
Access the toaster interface with your web browser at [](

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# Glossary
BitBake, Poky|Build system
Layer|A folder containing configuration files related to one system (starts with `meta-`)
Task|A set of functions/commands to do something. Can be written in shell or python.
Recipe (`.bb`)|A set of tasks to download, build and package a software
Append Files (`.bbappend`)|Files appended to existing recipes
Classes|Configuration fragments priving tools to be included in recipes
Package|A built recipe prepared as an installable package (.deb)
Image|The final file for your distribution, generally a disk image (iso, hddimg, etc...)
# Variables
These variables __are not used by Yocto__. They are used in this book for convenience.
`$POKY`|Path to cloned poky directory.|[More](
`$LAYER`|Path to your custom layer|[More](../2-usage/
`$DISTRO`|The distribution you are building (ex: `poky-tiny`)|[More](../2-usage/
`$MACHINE`|The machine you are building for (ex: `genericx86`)|[More](../2-usage/
`$IMAGE`|The image you are building (ex: `core-image-minimal`)|[More](../2-usage/

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# Projects using Yocto
- [Angstrom distribution](
- [Tizen](
- Many community-created distributions (for Raspberry Pi, Beaglebone, ...)

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# Board Support Package (BSP)
The Board Support Package allows to tune the builds for specific architectures/processors, defines kernel configuration and more generally how to handle the interface between the OS and the motherboard.
BSP are packed into layers.
<info data-markdown>Most BSP are found in the `meta-yocto-bsp` layer: `$POKY/meta-yocto-bsp/conf/machine/`</info>
<warn data-markdown>The BSP is bound to machine definition</warn>
<todo>improve this</todo>

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# Classes
Classes provides functions and tools that can be used in recipes.
To use a class, you must make the recipe inherit from the class.
<info data-markdown>Classes files have the `.bbclass` extension</info>
## Example: module class
See: `$POKY/meta/classes/module.bbclass`
This class provides functions to build and install kernel modules
It defines these functions
- `module_do_compile`
- `module_do_install`
- From _module-base_
- `do_make_scripts`
- From _kernel-module-split_
- `pkg_postinst_modules`
- `pkg_postrm_modules`
- `autoload_postinst_fragment`
- `do_install_append`
- `split_kernel_module_packages`
When writing a kernel module recipe, you have to inherit from this class using:
inherit module

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# Distribution
The distribution defines how softwares (recipes) are packed together to build the OS.
<info data-markdown>Most distributions are found in the `meta-yocto` layer: `$POKY/meta-yocto/conf/distro/`</info>
Most softwares added by the distribution are "high level", and should not rely on hardware components.
Hardware-related softwares (ie drivers, bootloaders, etc.) should be added in the machine configuration file.

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# Image
The image defines the final disk image that will be flashed on the target device.
Generated disk/partition images put in `$POKY/build/tmp/deploy/images/$MACHINE`
Available images can be listed with:
ls $POKY/meta*/recipes-*/images/*.bb
## Bitbake
Generally when you use bitbake, you build an image:
bitbake $IMAGE

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# Layer
A layer is a bundle of configuration files.
It can contain:
- Recipes to build specific software
- Machines
- Distributions
- Classes
- Images
- ...
## Layer list
Layers are listed in `$POKY/build/conf/bblayers.conf` using __absolute__ path:
/home/me/poky/meta \
/home/me/poky/meta-yocto \
/home/me/poky/meta-yocto-bsp \
/home/me/poky/build/meta-ab3000 \
<info data-markdown>
The layer can be in another directory than under `$POKY`.
<warn data-markdown>
Don't forget to add any newly created layer in this list to use it
Generally this folder is versioned (with git).
The layers shipped with Yocto are in `$POKY/meta*`.
## Layer configuration
_Minimal configuration:_
BBFILES += "${LAYERDIR}/recipes-*/*/*.bb \
BBFILE_PRIORITY_ab3000 = "6"
`BBFILES`|Where to search for recipes & recipe append files (ie `recipes-group/recipename/`)
`BBFILE_COLLECTIONS`|Layer name. Will be used to get/set variables only for this layer (ie `VAR_ab3000`)
[More about layers](

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# Machine
<todo>Check what is the difference with BSP</todo>

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# Package
Once the recipe has been built, the produced files are put in a package.
There are multiple packages format: `ipk`,`rpm`,`deb`,`tar`, ...
These packages are automatically installed to the final disk image.
They can also be installed later on the system with a package manager
See [Package Management (deb)](../5-misc/ for how to serve those packages (as a debian mirror).

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# Recipes
A recipe describes how to build, package and install one software.
It defines a list of variables like the software name, license checksum, etc...
It can also define/override tasks like `do_compile` or `do_install`
<info data-markdown>
Many recipes are found in each layer at `$POKY/meta*` in the `recipe-*` folders.
## Recipes list
To list all available recipes across every available layer:
bitbake-layers show-recipes
## Example
SUMMARY = "My lovely software"
# Name
PN = "lovely-software"
PV = "1"
PR = "r0"
# License info
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${S}/LICENSE;md5=2f24da3987abb0e21842f5b694ec2133"
# This program depends on libcurl
DEPENDS = "curl"
RDEPENDS_${PN} = "curl"
# Task to build the software
oe_runmake \
# Task to install it on the target system
install -d ${D}${bindir}
install -m 0755 ${B}/binary ${D}${bindir}

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# Create a Distribution
## Manual creation
mkdir $LAYER/conf/distro
touch $LAYER/conf/distro/$DISTRO.conf
Variables in the distribution conf file:
|`DISTRO_NAME`|Name of the distribution|
|`DISTRO_VERSION`|Version of the distribution|
|`DISTRO_FEATURES`|Lists softwares (recipes) that are included in the distribution. [Examples](|
|`DISTRO_EXTRA_RDEPENDS`|Runtime package dependencies for the distribution</todo>|
|`DISTRO_EXTRA_RRECOMMENDS`|List of package that will installed if they are available, for example kernel modules</todo>|
|`TCLIBC`|_libc_ implementation (`eglibc` or `uclibc` only)|
|`NO_RECOMMENDATIONS`|If set to `1`, no recommended package will be installed|
|`BAD_RECOMMENDATIONS`|Recommended packages that must not be installed|
|`PACKAGE_EXCLUDE`|List of package that must not be installed (will error if one package listed here is required by another package that should be installed)|
<todo>why DISTRO_<strong>EXTRA</strong>_RRECOMMENDS
<info data-markdown>
Don't forget to update `DISTRO` in `$POKY/build/conf/local.conf` to use your distribution

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# Create an image
Images are not very different from other recipes.
They should be put in any `recipe-*/images`.
# Example
SUMMARY = "My custom image"
# Based on another image
inherit core-image
# Additionnal recipes to install

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# Creating a Layer
The layer is nothing more than a folder with a single configuration file to indicate its name and where to find its resources.
The layer can be put anywhere on the system.
## Manual creation
There are other ways to create layers that are specific to certain usages (BSP, Distribution, ...), but this is the manual way to create a minimal layer.
#The path to your layer
mkdir $LAYER
Write `$LAYER/conf/layer.conf` (replace `mylayer` by your layer name):
# Register the layer recipes into the variable BBFILES
BBFILES += "${LAYERDIR}/recipes-*/*/*.bb \
BBFILE_PRIORITY_mylayer = "5"
<warn data-markdown>
Once created, you will need to add the layer path in the `BBLAYER` variable, usually defined in `$POKY/build/conf/local.conf`
## Layer organization
| Path | Role |
|`conf/layer.conf`| Layer configuration |
|`conf/machine/*.conf`| Machines |
|`conf/distro/*.conf`| Distributions |
|`classes/`| Classes |
|`recipes-*/`| Recipes |
|`README`| Readme file (optional) |
## Layer management tools
bitbake-layers <command> [arguments]
# Available commands:
# help
# display general help or help on a specified command
# show-recipes
# list available recipes, showing the layer they are provided by
# show-cross-depends
# figure out the dependency between recipes that crosses a layer boundary.
# show-appends
# list bbappend files and recipe files they apply to
# flatten
# flattens layer configuration into a separate output directory.
# show-layers
# show current configured layers
# show-overlayed
# list overlayed recipes (where the same recipe exists in another layer)

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# Create a Machine / Board Support Package
## Creation
In the layer directory:
mkdir $LAYER/conf/machine
touch $LAYER/conf/machine/$MACHINE.conf
See below for an interactive script to create a machine.
### Machine conf. file
Edit `$LAYER/conf/machine/$MACHINE.conf` to set variables:
| Variable | Role | Link |
| `TARGET_ARCH` | CPU architecture (`arm`, `i386`, `x86_64`, etc.) | [More](
| `PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel` | Linux kernel recipe to use (`linux-yocto`) |
| `MACHINE_FEATURES` | See [Combined Features]( |
| `SERIAL_CONSOLES` | Serial consoles to enable & their configurations (`115200;ttyS0 115200;ttyS1`) | [More]( |
| `KERNEL_IMAGETYPE` | Type of the kernel image (default: `zImage`) | [More]( |
| `IMAGE_FSTYPES` | Type of the output filesystem image (default: `ext3 tar.bz2`) | [More]( |
### Kernel config file
Bitbake builds the kernel `.config` file using configuration fragments from the kernel recipe.
There are two ways to setup kernel configuration:
- Using `.scc` files
- Using `.cfg` files
Both files can be added to `SRC_URI` in the kernel recipe to be used.
See `$POKY/meta/recipes-kernel/linux` for recipe examples
#### `.cfg` files
`.cfg` files contains fragments of kernel `.config` file.
If multiple cfg files are added to the recipe, the values contained in the last included will override other values that were already set.
You can view the resulting kernel `.config` with the standard kernel menuconfig UI:
bitbake virtual/kernel -c menuconfig
_Extracting a config fragment:_
- Go to `$POKY/build/tmp/work/*/$KERNEL_RECIPE_NAME/*/$KERNEL_RECIPE_NAME-*-build`
- Use a diff tool (`vimdiff`, `meld`, `kdiff3`) to list differences between `.config` and `.config.old`
<info data-markdown>
At this time, there is no practical tool to create configuration fragments.
#### `.scc` files
`.scc` files are like a wrapper around .cfg files.
They can include multiple `.cfg` or `.scc`, define which kernel branch to use, the architecture and other things.
define KMACHINE my-machine
define KTYPE tiny
define KARCH i386
kconf hardware general.cfg
kconf hardware liveboot.cfg
include ktypes/tiny/tiny.scc
branch my-machine
include my-machine.scc
### Formfactor
# Display rotation, size, colors, ...
## Interactive script
<info data-markdown>
The script `yocto-bsp create <layer_name> <target_arch>` creates a layer named `<layer_name>` with a BSP for the architecture `<target_arch>` into.<br/>
You can get the list of supported arch with `yocto-bsp list karch`
This is an interactive script to create a BSP contained in a new layer:
yocto-bsp create my-machine i386
# Checking basic git connectivity...
# Done.
# Would you like to use the default (3.14) kernel? (y/n) [default: y]
# Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n] [default: y]
# Getting branches from remote repo git://
# Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on: [default: standard/base]
# 1) standard/arm-versatile-926ejs
# 2) standard/base
# 3) standard/beagleboard
# 4) standard/beaglebone
# 5) standard/ck
# 6) standard/common-pc/base
# 7) standard/edgerouter
# 8) standard/fsl-mpc8315e-rdb
# 9) standard/mti-malta32
# 10) standard/mti-malta64
# 11) standard/qemuarm64
# 12) standard/qemuppc
# 13) standard/routerstationpro
# 2
# Do you need SMP support? (y/n) [default: y] n
# Which machine tuning would you like to use? [default: tune_core2]
# 1) i586 tuning optimizations
# 2) Atom tuning optimizations
# 3) Core2 tuning optimizations
# 2
# Do you need support for X? (y/n) [default: y] n
# Does your BSP have a touchscreen? (y/n) [default: n] n
# Does your BSP have a keyboard? (y/n) [default: y] y
# New i386 BSP created in meta-my-machine
<warn data-markdown>Don't forget to add the layer to `BBLAYER` if you want to use it</warn>
### Generated tree
├── binary
├── conf
│   ├── layer.conf => Layer configuration file
│   └── machine
│   └── my-machine.conf => Machine configuration file
├── README.sources
├── recipes-bsp
│   └── formfactor
│   ├── formfactor
│   │   └── my-machine
│   │   └── machconfig => Input device support
│   └── formfactor_0.0.bbappend
├── recipes-graphics => Empty, can be deleted
│   └── xorg-xserver
│   └── xserver-xf86-config
│   └── my-machine
└── recipes-kernel
└── linux
├── files
│   ├── my-machine.cfg => Kernel configuration file
│   ├── my-machine-preempt-rt.scc
│   ├── my-machine.scc
│   ├── my-machine-standard.scc
│   ├── my-machine-tiny.scc
│   ├── my-machine-user-config.cfg
│   ├── my-machine-user-features.scc
│   └── my-machine-user-patches.scc
└── linux-yocto_3.14.bbappend => Kernel recipe

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# Create a Recipe
## Creation
It may be better to use already existing recipes and customize them.
<info data-markdown>A recipe file must be named `<name>_<version>.bb` (lowercase only)</info>
<warn data-markdown>To be enabled, the recipe must be available in the `BBFILES` variable located in the `conf/layer.conf` file</warn>
Recipe skeleton
# Source download URI
SRC_URI = ""
SRC_URI[md5sum] = ""
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = ""
# Source folder
S = "${WORKDIR}/${PN}-${PV}"
# Classes to use
inherit <classname>
# Task definition
do_compile() {
${CC} helloworld.c -o helloworld
## Configuration
### Variable list
|`PN`| Recipe name |
|`PV`| Recipe version |
|`PR`| Recipe revision |
|`WORKDIR`| Directory where sources are extracted and the recipe is built |
|`SRCREV `| Commit hash, Tag or branch to checkout if the sources are a repository |
|`SRC_URI`| Files to download (new-line separated list) |
|`DEPENDS`| Recipe build-time dependency list |
|`RDEPENDS_${PN}`| Recipe run-time dependency list |
#### Function list
|`do_unpack()`|Unpacks the downloaded source code to `${S}`.<br/>Automatically generated if the downloaded package is named `<recipe_name>-<recipe_version>.*`|
|`do_patch()`|Applies patches to source code.<br/>If `SRC_URI` contains a `.patch` or `.diff` file, it will automatically apply it to source code.|
|`do_configure()`|Configures the project (ie `./configure` for _Autotools_).<br/>Automatically generated if the project uses _Autotools_ or _CMake_. [More](|
|`do_compile()`|Commands to build the recipe<br/>Automatically generated for _Autotools_ or _CMake_|
|`do_install()`|Commands to install on the system (into `${D}${bindir}`)<br/>Automatically generated for _Autotools_ or _CMake_|
|` pkg_postinst_<RECIPENAME>()`|__Replace `<RECIPENAME>` with the recipe name__<br/>Contains the commands to execute after the package installation.<br/>`pkg_postinst_yolo(){`<br/>`#!/bin/sh -e`<br/>`cp A B`<br/>`}`|
### Useful classes
To use some Yocto tools in recipes, you may need to inherit some packages:
|Autotools|`inherit autotools gettext`|
|SysVInit|`inherit update-rc.d`|
[Full class list](
## Enabling services
If `do_install()` exists in the recipe add code to the end of the function, else write a `do_install_append()` function that will contain the service initialization code.
### SysVinit
You must add to the recipe:
inherit update-rc.d
# List of packages that contains initscripts
# Optional, default: ${PN}
# Name of the init script installed in /etc/init.d
# Mandatory
# Parameters to pass to the init command
# Mandatory
INITSCRIPT_PARAMS = "start 99 5 2 . stop 20 0 1 6 ."
## Build the recipe
`bitbake <recipe_name>`

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# Configuration file syntax
# VAR value (the brackets are mandatory)
# Set value if not defined (ie set default value)
VAR ?= "defvalue"
# Set value at the end of parsing if the value is not defined
VAR ??= "defvalue"
# Set VAR to "value" immediately
VAR := "value"
# Append "value" to VAR
# Warning: inserts a space between current value and appended value
VAR += "value"
# Same with prepend:
VAR =+ "value"
# Same to append/prepend but without space
VAR .= "value"
VAR =. "value"
# Same to append/prepend
# but without space and deferred at the end of parsing
VAR_append = "value"
VAR_prepend = "value"
# Remove elements (words) in a space-separated value list
VAR_remove = "value"
# Like bash functions
my_function() {
echo "Hello world"
# Note that _append suffix also works with functions
# Function written in python
python my_function2() {
print "Hello world"
<warn data-markdown>
- `${VAR}` is a Yocto variable.
- `$VAR` is a shell variable.
- They are very different !

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# Build
cd $POKY # YPCore cloned repository
source ./oe-init-build-env
# bitbake $TARGET
# Build apt recipe
bitbake apt
# Build core-image-minimal image
bitbake core-image-minimal
`TARGET` can be:
- The name of the image you want to build (`meta/recipes-*/images`).
- The name of a recipe to build, using the distribution and machine set in `$POKY/build/local.conf`
## Additional steps for images : `wic`
The image generated by bitbake is adapted for emulation purpose or read only disks.
With `wic`, you can setup the target partition table.
See section [wic](

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# Qemu
## Using `runqemu`
`runqemu` is a script provided by Yocto, that launches qemu for a specific image.
Running in qemu can be done with
runqemu core-image-minimal $MACHINE ext3 qemuparams="-cpu n270"
# Note: runqemu is a script available by sourcing oe-init-build-env
# qemuparams="-cpu n270" is needed to emulate specific CPU
# See runqemu $MACHINE qemuparams="-cpu help"
<info data-markdown>
`-cpu n270` Configure the guest CPU to be Intel Atom. `-cpu help` lists available CPUs.
## Directly using qemu
### Directly booting the kernel
cd $POKY/tmp/deploy/images/$MACHINE
qemu -kernel bzImage $IMAGE-$MACHINE.ext3 -cpu n270
Interesting parameters:
`-append`|Kernel command line parameters
`-hda`|Set disk image for sda device.
### Booting using target bootloader
You need to generate an image using WIC.
qemu build/* -cpu n270

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## Generate image
wic create $WKS -e $IMAGE -o .
`$WKS`: File containing the configuration of the partition table.
The generated disk image will be put in `build/$WKS-*.$`
<info data-markdown>
You need to source `$POKY/oe-init-build-env` to use wic
## Available images
To list available configuration files:
wic list images
# WKS config file
A WKS configuration file contains a list of commands to create the partitions and configure the bootloader.
## Sample config
# short-description: Create a 'pcbios' direct disk image
# long-description: Creates a partitioned legacy BIOS disk image that the user
# can directly dd to boot media.
part /boot --source bootimg-pcbios --ondisk sda --label boot --active --align 1024
part / --source rootfs --ondisk sda --fstype=ext3 --label platform --align 1024 --size=200M
bootloader --timeout=0 --append="rootwait rootfstype=ext3 video=vesafb vga=current console=tty0"
<info data-markdown>
the syntax doesn't support ` \\\n` line escape
## Header
# short-description: your description
# long-description: long description...
These descriptions are optional and will be displayed when using `wic list images`
## Commands
#### Partition
part $MOUNTPOINT [args]
`$MOUNTPOINT`|Mount point. Can be a path (eg `/`, `/boot`) or `swap`
`--source`|Source data provided by a plugin. To list plugins: `wic list source-plugins`
`--size`|Partition size in MB.<br/>If not provided, the partition will have the minimum possible size.
`--ondisk`|Disk name on the target system (eg `sda`, `sdb`, ...)
`--fstype`|File system type (eg `ext4`, `ext2`, `btrfs`, `swap`, ...)
`--fsoptions`|Mount options to be added in fstab.
`--label`|Partition name
`--align`|Partition alignment in KB (ex: 1024)
`--active`| Mark partition as active <todo>?</todo>
#### Bootloader
bootloader [args]
`--timeout`|Timeout in seconds before booting default option
`--append`|Kernel command line arguments to bee added when booting.

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# Adding packages/recipes to image
## Quick and Dirty
Add to your `local.conf`:
IMAGE_INSTALL_append += " package"
## Associated to an image, machine or distro
In the image, machine or distro configuration file:
IMAGE_INSTALL_append += " package"

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# Debugging Yocto builds
# Build $TARGET and display logs on error
bitbake $TARGET -v
# Display all environment variables, how they are
# set and the functions for building $TARGET
bitbake -e $TARGET
# To filter informations related to a variable
bitbake -e $TARGET | grep "^VARIABLE\b" -B 20
# View packages & their dependencies:
bitbake -u depexp -g $TARGET
# Create a dependency graph for $TARGET
bitbake -g $TARGET
#Convert and open a graph file:
dot -Tsvg $ -o /tmp/graph.svg && xdg-open /tmp/graph.svg

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# Creation of a distribution based on poky-tiny
_poky-tiny_ is a distribution that is packed with Yocto and is aimed to provide a very minimal OS for embeded systems.
Its is built to fit on a 8MB disk, and goes down to 1.5MB when compressed.
## Layer
The distribution must be put in a layer.
Since Yocto layers are versionned, it is better to create a new custom layer containing the distribution, and eventually additionnal softwares, machines, etc.
## Distro config
# Based on poky-tiny
require conf/distro/poky-tiny.conf
DISTRO = "my-distro"
DISTRO_NAME = "my-distro"
# Install dropbear SSH server
IMAGE_INSTALL_append += " dropbear"
# Dropbear has also a feature to activate:
EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES = "ssh-server-dropbear"
# Install syslinux:
IMAGE_INSTALL_append += " syslinux"

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# Introduction
Typically you start by using an existing distribution, then override some variables to define which software you want or don't want and how to configure them.
## Add new software
When needed you can write a new recipe to add a specific software that is not in Yocto recipes.
## Customize existing recipe
To customize an existing recipe, you have to create a folder and a `.bbappend` file with the same name as the recipe:
└─ meta
└─ recipes-devtools
└─ apt
└─ => Original recipe
└─ recipes-*
└─ apt
└── apt_0.9.9.4.bbappend => Override

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# Build process - Tasks
This describes all tasks that are executed when building a recipe or distribution.
## `do_package_write_<pkgtype>`
For all packages selected with `PACKAGE_CLASSES`, packages are downloaded into `DL_DIR`
Default: `poky/build/tmp/deploy/<pkgtype>/<arch>/`
- pkgtype: rpm, ipk, deb
- arch: genericx86, ...
Those packages can also be built from sources with the folowing commands.
## `do_fetch` & `do_unpack`
Downloads and extracts the package sources.
└── <PACKAGE_ARCH>-poky-linux or <MACHINE>-poky-linux
└── <RECIPE_VERSION>-<RECIPE_REVISION> : The package is built from here
└── <PACKAGE_NAME>-<RECIPE_VERSION> : Package sources
## `do_patch`
Apply some yocto-related patches to package source
The patches are listed in `SRC_URI` in the recipe file
## `do_configure`, `do_compile`, `do_install`
In most cases:
- `do_configure`: `./configure`
- `do_compile`: `make`
- `do_install`: `make install`
The work directory is:
└── <PACKAGE_ARCH>-poky-linux or <MACHINE>-poky-linux
From the work directory:
- `image` : installed files (eg `./configure --prefix`)
## `do_package` & `do_packagedata`
`do_package` analyses the `image` dir:
- splits out debugging symbols
- checks shared library dependencies
- looks at package relationships
`do_packagedata` creates the package metadata file.
From working dir:
- `package`: The destination directory for packages before they are split
- `pkgdata`: A temporary work area used by the do_package task
- `packages-split`: The parent directory for packages after they have been split
These folders are used by `do_package_write_*` and generated packages are put into the package feed area (`poky/build/tmp/deploy/<pkgtype>/a<rch>/`)
## `do_rootfs`
Unpacks the packages from the package feed area (`poky/build/tmp/deploy/<pkgtype>/<arch>/`) to build the root filesystem, depending on the configuration :
- `IMAGE_INSTALL`: Which base package to install
- `PACKAGE_EXCLUDE`: Which packages to not install
- `IMAGE_FEATURES`: Which features to install. Features maps to specific packages to be installed.
- `PACKAGE_CLASSES`: Package type to use (deb, ipk, tar, ...)
- `IMAGE_LINGUAS`: Languages to install

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# Deploy a recipe to a target via ssh

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# Package Management (deb)
## Image configuration
IMAGE_FEATURES += "package-management"
# For debian packages, install apt commands
## Serve packages
When building a recipe, the generated package will be put in `$POKY/build/tmp/deploy/deb`
This directory must be served by a web server.
Each time you create/modify a package, you will need to re-generate the package index by executing
bitbake package-index
## source.list
You must add the repository address to a file in `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/` on the target:
deb ./
deb ./
<info>Using the layer meta-ab3000, you can set the variable `DEBIAN_REPO_ADDRESS` and the main yocto repositories will be automatically set</info>
## Build all packages
bitbake world
Will build all existing packages and prepare deb packages ready to be deployed.

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# Read-only root filesystem

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# Custom toolchain
With the variable `TCMODE`, you can setup any toolchain to be used to build the system.
By default, Yocto fetch & build its own toolchain.

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# Cleaning
## Clean a single target
bitbake $TARGET -c cleanall
## Clean everything
bitbake world -c cleanall
cd $POKY
rm -rf build/sstate-cache build/tmp
## About _tmp_ & _sstate_
- `build/tmp` contains sources, build files, created packages, temporary rootfs, staging area, etc. You may need to remove it sometime.
- `build/sstate-cache` contains downloaded files, ie source tarballs. You are unlikely to have to remove this folder.

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# Update Yocto
## Get new fixes
cd $POKY
git pull origin
## Get a new version
cd $POKY
git fetch origin
git checkout -b $VERSION origin/$VERSION
<warn>You may need to clean some/all targets once updated</warn>

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# Yocto
This is a book about using Yocto to create custom distributions.
To launch a local web server to read the book, install [gitbook](
# Install gitbook
npm install gitbook-cli -g
# Launch the server
gitbook serve
# Open the web browser to read this book

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# Summary
* ===== Yocto =====
* [Introduction](0-intro/
* [Projects using Yocto](0-intro/
* [Environment & Setup](0-intro/
* [Glossary & Variables](0-intro/
* [Concepts](1-concepts/
* [Layer](1-concepts/
* [Package](1-concepts/
* [Recipes](1-concepts/
* [Board Support Package (BSP)](1-concepts/
* [Machine](1-concepts/
* [Distribution](1-concepts/
* [Classes](1-concepts/
* [Image](1-concepts/
* [Usage](2-usage/
* [Configuration file syntax](2-usage/
* [Creating a Layer](2-usage/
* [Create a Recipe](2-usage/
* [Create a Machine / Board Support Package](2-usage/
* [Create a Distribution](2-usage/
* [Create an image](2-usage/
* [Build & test](3-buildtest/
* [Build](3-buildtest/
* [wic](3-buildtest/
* [Qemu](3-buildtest/
* [Workflow](4-workflow/
* [General](4-workflow/
* [Debugging Yocto builds](4-workflow/
* [Adding packages/recipes to image](4-workflow/
* [Creation of a distribution based on poky-tiny](4-workflow/
* [Misc](5-misc/
* [Build process - Tasks](5-misc/
* [Read-only root filesystem](5-misc/
* [Custom toolchain](5-misc/
* [Deploy a recipe to a target via ssh](5-misc/
* [Package Management (deb)](5-misc/
* [Maintenance](6-maintenance/
* [Update Yocto](6-maintenance/
* [Cleaning](6-maintenance/

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"gitbook": "2.x.x",
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"pluginsConfig": {
"autocover": {
"title": "Yocto",
"author": "Thibaut CHARLES"

style.css Normal file
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border-radius: 3px;
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padding-left: 15px;
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margin-bottom: 2px !important;
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border-left-color: #8BE8FF;
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background-color: rgba(0, 255, 22, 0.1);
border-left-color: #6DFF7B;
warn {
background-color: rgba(255, 128, 0, 0.1);
border-left-color: #FFE28B;
err {
background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.1);
border-left-color: #DFB5B4;
color: #F00;
content: "TODO";
background-color: #0FF;
font-weight: bold;
padding: 2px;
margin-right: 5px;
border-left: 4px solid #A49C8E !important;
tbody tr:hover{
background-color: #FBFBFB !important;

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"path": ".",
"folder_exclude_patterns": ["_book","node_modules"]
"name": "Serve via Gitbook",
"shell": "true",
"shell_cmd": "kill `lsof -i:4000 -t` ; cd $project_path && gitbook serve"