2015-07-21 14:22:25 +02:00

183 lines
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# Create a Machine / Board Support Package
## Creation
In the layer directory:
mkdir $LAYER/conf/machine
touch $LAYER/conf/machine/$MACHINE.conf
See below for an interactive script to create a machine.
### Machine conf. file
Edit `$LAYER/conf/machine/$MACHINE.conf` to set variables:
| Variable | Role | Link |
| `TARGET_ARCH` | CPU architecture (`arm`, `i386`, `x86_64`, etc.) | [More](http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/1.8/ref-manual/ref-manual.html#var-TARGET_ARCH)
| `PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel` | Linux kernel recipe to use (`linux-yocto`) |
| `MACHINE_FEATURES` | See [Combined Features](http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/1.8/ref-manual/ref-manual.html#var-COMBINED_FEATURES) |
| `SERIAL_CONSOLES` | Serial consoles to enable & their configurations (`115200;ttyS0 115200;ttyS1`) | [More](http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/1.8/ref-manual/ref-manual.html#var-SERIAL_CONSOLES) |
| `KERNEL_IMAGETYPE` | Type of the kernel image (default: `zImage`) | [More](http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/1.8/ref-manual/ref-manual.html#var-KERNEL_IMAGETYPE) |
| `IMAGE_FSTYPES` | Type of the output filesystem image (default: `ext3 tar.bz2`) | [More](http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/1.8/ref-manual/ref-manual.html#var-IMAGE_TYPES) |
### Kernel config file
Bitbake builds the kernel `.config` file using configuration fragments from the kernel recipe.
There are two ways to setup kernel configuration:
- Using `.scc` files
- Using `.cfg` files
Both files can be added to `SRC_URI` in the kernel recipe to be used.
See `$POKY/meta/recipes-kernel/linux` for recipe examples
#### `.cfg` files
`.cfg` files contains fragments of kernel `.config` file.
If multiple cfg files are added to the recipe, the values contained in the last included will override other values that were already set.
You can view the resulting kernel `.config` with the standard kernel menuconfig UI:
bitbake virtual/kernel -c menuconfig
_Extracting a config fragment:_
- Go to `$POKY/build/tmp/work/*/$KERNEL_RECIPE_NAME/*/$KERNEL_RECIPE_NAME-*-build`
- Use a diff tool (`vimdiff`, `meld`, `kdiff3`) to list differences between `.config` and `.config.old`
<info data-markdown>
At this time, there is no practical tool to create configuration fragments.
#### `.scc` files
`.scc` files are like a wrapper around .cfg files.
They can include multiple `.cfg` or `.scc`, define which kernel branch to use, the architecture and other things.
define KMACHINE my-machine
define KTYPE tiny
define KARCH i386
kconf hardware general.cfg
kconf hardware liveboot.cfg
include ktypes/tiny/tiny.scc
branch my-machine
include my-machine.scc
### Formfactor
# Display rotation, size, colors, ...
## Interactive script
<info data-markdown>
The script `yocto-bsp create <layer_name> <target_arch>` creates a layer named `<layer_name>` with a BSP for the architecture `<target_arch>` into.<br/>
You can get the list of supported arch with `yocto-bsp list karch`
This is an interactive script to create a BSP contained in a new layer:
yocto-bsp create my-machine i386
# Checking basic git connectivity...
# Done.
# Would you like to use the default (3.14) kernel? (y/n) [default: y]
# Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [y/n] [default: y]
# Getting branches from remote repo git://git.yoctoproject.org/linux-yocto-3.14.git...
# Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on: [default: standard/base]
# 1) standard/arm-versatile-926ejs
# 2) standard/base
# 3) standard/beagleboard
# 4) standard/beaglebone
# 5) standard/ck
# 6) standard/common-pc/base
# 7) standard/edgerouter
# 8) standard/fsl-mpc8315e-rdb
# 9) standard/mti-malta32
# 10) standard/mti-malta64
# 11) standard/qemuarm64
# 12) standard/qemuppc
# 13) standard/routerstationpro
# 2
# Do you need SMP support? (y/n) [default: y] n
# Which machine tuning would you like to use? [default: tune_core2]
# 1) i586 tuning optimizations
# 2) Atom tuning optimizations
# 3) Core2 tuning optimizations
# 2
# Do you need support for X? (y/n) [default: y] n
# Does your BSP have a touchscreen? (y/n) [default: n] n
# Does your BSP have a keyboard? (y/n) [default: y] y
# New i386 BSP created in meta-my-machine
<warn data-markdown>Don't forget to add the layer to `BBLAYER` if you want to use it</warn>
### Generated tree
├── binary
├── conf
│   ├── layer.conf => Layer configuration file
│   └── machine
│   └── my-machine.conf => Machine configuration file
├── README.sources
├── recipes-bsp
│   └── formfactor
│   ├── formfactor
│   │   └── my-machine
│   │   └── machconfig => Input device support
│   └── formfactor_0.0.bbappend
├── recipes-graphics => Empty, can be deleted
│   └── xorg-xserver
│   └── xserver-xf86-config
│   └── my-machine
└── recipes-kernel
└── linux
├── files
│   ├── my-machine.cfg => Kernel configuration file
│   ├── my-machine-preempt-rt.scc
│   ├── my-machine.scc
│   ├── my-machine-standard.scc
│   ├── my-machine-tiny.scc
│   ├── my-machine-user-config.cfg
│   ├── my-machine-user-features.scc
│   └── my-machine-user-patches.scc
└── linux-yocto_3.14.bbappend => Kernel recipe