2015-07-21 14:22:25 +02:00

3.1 KiB

Create a Recipe


It may be better to use already existing recipes and customize them.

A recipe file must be named <name>_<version>.bb (lowercase only)

To be enabled, the recipe must be available in the BBFILES variable located in the conf/layer.conf file

Recipe skeleton



# Source download URI
SRC_URI = ""
SRC_URI[md5sum] = ""
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = ""

# Source folder
S = "${WORKDIR}/${PN}-${PV}"

# Classes to use
inherit <classname>

# Task definition
do_compile() {
	${CC} helloworld.c -o helloworld


Variable list

Variable Content
PN Recipe name
PV Recipe version
PR Recipe revision
WORKDIR Directory where sources are extracted and the recipe is built
SRCREV Commit hash, Tag or branch to checkout if the sources are a repository
SRC_URI Files to download (new-line separated list)
DEPENDS Recipe build-time dependency list
RDEPENDS_${PN} Recipe run-time dependency list

Function list

Task/Function Role
do_unpack() Unpacks the downloaded source code to ${S}.
Automatically generated if the downloaded package is named <recipe_name>-<recipe_version>.*
do_patch() Applies patches to source code.
If SRC_URI contains a .patch or .diff file, it will automatically apply it to source code.
do_configure() Configures the project (ie ./configure for Autotools).
Automatically generated if the project uses Autotools or CMake. More
do_compile() Commands to build the recipe
Automatically generated for Autotools or CMake
do_install() Commands to install on the system (into ${D}${bindir})
Automatically generated for Autotools or CMake
pkg_postinst_<RECIPENAME>() Replace <RECIPENAME> with the recipe name
Contains the commands to execute after the package installation.
#!/bin/sh -e
cp A B

Useful classes

To use some Yocto tools in recipes, you may need to inherit some packages:

Tool Inheritance
Autotools inherit autotools gettext
SysVInit inherit update-rc.d

Full class list

Enabling services

If do_install() exists in the recipe add code to the end of the function, else write a do_install_append() function that will contain the service initialization code.



You must add to the recipe:

inherit update-rc.d

# List of packages that contains initscripts
# Optional, default: ${PN}

# Name of the init script installed in /etc/init.d
# Mandatory

# Parameters to pass to the init command
# Mandatory
INITSCRIPT_PARAMS = "start 99 5 2 . stop 20 0 1 6 ."

Build the recipe

bitbake <recipe_name>